Safetrust’s SABRE Module is now Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP) Verified, offering our customers higher levels of security, interoperability and more intelligent management solutions in a matter of seconds. The SABRE Module is the only OSDP Verified upgrade for the HID multiCLASS® and iCLASS® readers.

An Introduction to OSDP:
Physical access control technology is constantly changing with new security demands every single year. To keep up, the standards governing the development and testing of these technologies also continue to change.
Enter OSDP: the access control communication global standard adopted by the Security Industry Association (SIA) to improve interoperability among access control and security products. OSDP was developed to replace Wiegand, a decade old protocol that transmits data in the clear between the reader and controller.
SIA OSDP VerifiedTM is a comprehensive testing program that validates that a device conforms to the SIA OSDP standard and the related performance profiles. Receiving OSDP verification assures integrators that approved products will communicate seamlessly with each other. Organizations can be confident that their building access system will communicate in a secure manner and never pass critical user info in the clear (i.e. Wiegand).
Improve Management & Security
Customers with the SABRE Module installed can leverage OSDP to drastically improve management and security of their installed readers, as well as reduce the cost of OSDP ongoing maintenance with remote management of the end point. OSDP standards support two-way communication among devices. This means that not only can the readers “talk” directly to a centralized management system such as Safetrust Credential Manager, but the system can also “talk” back. In turn, this intelligent bidirectional communication provides the following advantages:
- Remote management and configuration can be specified in the PACS software such as the Credential Manager and sent to the reader via Wi-Fi
- Identify mis-wiring and mis-configuration of your OSDP solution during installation
- OSDP constantly monitors wiring to protect against tampering and malfunction without needing to physically inspect the reader
- OSDP performance information tracks how long transactions are taking, panel power levels, and noise which is invaluable when diagnosing why an OSDP device has gone offline
- OSDP helps mitigate attacks where the communication between the reader and controller has been compromised. The SABRE Module with OSDP can detect these “man-in-the-middle” attacks before it’s too late
Reduce Installation Costs & Total Cost of Ownership
You often hear people talking about ease of installation with OSDP. Since OSDP runs along a RS-485 backbone, readers can be “daisy-chained” which reduces wire runs and overall installation costs. However, the SABRE Module takes easy, cost-effective installation to the next level. With a simple plug-and-play design in 30 seconds, the SABRE Module eliminates the need to rip and replace existing readers and brings outdated readers into the future. Anyone with a screwdriver can install the SABRE Module, and there’s no need to spend weeks, months or even years slowly swapping out old readers!
With millions saved in replacement costs, in addition to the reduction in labor time, the total cost of ownership comes way down by leveraging an organization’s existing investment and giving the readers a longer life-span.
Future-proof your systems
OSDP is seeing wide-scale adoption – and it’s pretty clear why.
Being able to exchange information between applications, databases, and other systems is integral an IoT infrastructure. OSDP is the only secure, open and interoperable communication protocol which organizations can specify knowing that all like OSDP devices, across multiple suppliers, will be able to communicate with each other.
There are countless benefits for open-source protocols, including the ability to deliver an increasingly flexible solution for end users now and into the future as more peripheral devices are added. With the rise of new technologies, organizations value interoperability more than ever. They don’t want to be stuck with a proprietary solution that won’t evolve as standards evolve. They also don’t want to be stuck with a range of disparate systems that won’t talk to each other. With OSDP, organizations can remain proactive in their approach to security to ensure they can continue to protect their people, assets, and resources.
Transitioning to OSDP with the SABRE Module
Safetrust’s SABRE Module enables an easy transition when upgrading from legacy protocols to secure OSDP communication. Safetrust is uniquely positioned to help organizations upgrade their access control systems to improve security and management, and reduce total cost of ownership- all while remaining interoperable.
For more information on the SABRE Module and how you can upgrade your readers today, visit or contact Safetrust sales at